
Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Here are the stories I am looking at as possible topics for discussion tonight between Midnight and 5 AM on WBZ-Boston:

Are you going to the movies less often than you used to? Some in Hollywood are concerned there may be a trend of declining attendance developing, according to this story. I think people will go back to the movies if only they would start making more good ones. One of the most anticipated movies due to come out soon, the new Star Wars film, is being panned by John Podhoretz on NRO.

Is it my imagination, or is traffic getting worse? It is getting worse, according to this story in the Boston Globe.

The President is prodding Senate Republicans to move forward on up-or-down votes for his judicial nominees, according to this story in the Globe. Meanwhile, the Washington Times is reporting that Senate Majority Leader Frist already has a plan to "go nuclear" on the Dems. Bill Kristol and Rush Limbaugh are urging them forward, as well. I think that if the Republicans in the Senate don't pull the trigger on this, there will be a significant backlash from the base in the next election.

I might also talk about whether illegal immigrants should be legalized (Senators Kennedy and McCain have a bill that would give some illegals a three-year renewable visa).

The show can be heard from Midnight to 5 AM on WBZ, which can be found at 1030 on the AM dial.


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