
Sunday, August 21, 2005


Here are some of the topics I am looking at for tonight's show on WBZ-Boston from Midnight to 5 AM:

Erratic closing times are making driving in Boston late at night more difficult than it has to be.

Should Mitt Romney run for re-election as Governor of Massachusetts? A new poll shows some discouraging numbers for him. I think he will decline to run in order to make a serious effort for the GOP Presidential nomination.

The MSM is finally starting to pay more attention to the security risks being run at our porous southern border.

It's getting more inconvenient than ever to return bottles and cans in Massachusetts. So more people are just not doing it.

Evolution or intelligent design? The critics of evolution are on the offensive.

The military is being re-shaped by our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Joe Klein argues that the President should call Americans to service. I've been making the same argument since the day after 9/ vain.

I will also, no doubt, spend some time on the issue of staying the course in Iraq, and the criticisms being directed at the President by Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son in Iraq, but sounds mostly like the rest of the Bush-haters. Mark Steyn says the disintegration of her marriage is a metaphor for the divisions within the Democratic Party on this issue.

Also regarding Iraq, I highly recommend you read this piece by war-supporter Eliot Cohen, who is sending a son into the fight. I agree with many of his criticisms of the President and his administration.


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