
Friday, May 26, 2006


The fact that I can write that headline to this post should be cause for alarm for every GOP House candidate who wants to win my vote in November (that would be Jeb Bradley). While I know it is not his fault, I am running out of options on how best to express my almost inexpressible anger over the behavior of the GOP on the national level. This week, two things have really taken me to the very edge.

The first is the Jefferson raid fiasco. Is it really the case that a Conservative party, which is how the GOP likes to portray itself, is standing side-by-side with the Democrats in attempting to shield an allegedly corrupt congressman? Isn't the GOP the party of law and order? Didn't they come to power in 1994 promising to clean up the mess on Capitol Hill? In what way are they now any different than those out-of-touch Democrats they sent packing back in November of '94?

The second is the immigration fiasco. If the House GOP caves in to the President and the Senate and passes something similar to the Senate bill, then I really have to wonder how exactly a House led by Speaker Pelosi would be any worse than what we have now. In fact, much in the way the Palestinian people are being made to suffer for willingness to overtly embrace the party that advocates the destruction of Israel, wouldn't it be better if we stopped all the pretense and embraced the big government, big spending, open borders, identity politics party? Since, after all, we are a big government-loving country, as evidenced by the seemingly unstoppable growth of the government, even after the GOP took over Congress.

Perhaps it is time for the American people to enjoy the government they really want. Perhaps it is time for the GOP to taste a well deserved period of minority status once again. Perhaps it is time for those of us who really believe in Conservative principles to re-examine whether or not the GOP is really the place for us.


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