
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Timothy Garton Ash says George W. Bush has created a catastrophe across the Middle East.

Perhaps it is because he wasn't willing to do what David Warren says needs to be done.

Ralph Peters has this advice on the way forward in Iraq...choose a side in the Iraqi civil war (he says we should help the Shiites).

As Iran gets closer to obtaining nuclear weapons, Michael Freund offers this plea to American Christians for their help.

Perhaps he has a right to be worried, as this analysis of President Ahmadinejad in the New York Times paints him as a true-believer when it comes to Holocaust denial (and, something which follows logically from that, a belief in the illegitimacy of the Jewish State).

Of course, all the problems of our age may fade into insignificance if our population begins to shrink as outlined in articles here, here and here.


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