
Monday, April 09, 2007

The New York Times says the "surge" in Iraq is not working.

John McCain says it is working, but the MSM isn't reporting it that way (see above).

Andrew Bacevich says the war is already lost, so Presidential candidates shouldn't be campaigning on their plan for Iraq, but for other things.

Moqtada al Sadr is calling on his militia to resist the Americans. His masters in Tehran no doubt believe that by ratcheting up the pressure in Iraq they may be able to fend off a potential attack against their nuclear program. Certainly, it does not seem smart of him to send his people up against the Americans in a stand up fight, during which they will be decimated. Rather, for al Sadr personally, it seems to me smarter to continue to lay low and wait for the day that the Americans leave, at which time he can make his bid to take over the country. Which is why I think he is doing Tehran's bidding. Meanwhile, the Iranian President is set to announce some news on his nuclear program today.

Bob Novak thinks Jimmy Carter was right to compare the plight of the Palestinians with Blacks under South Africa's old apartheid system.

An outcry in Britain as those former hostages are allowed to sell their stories.

One scientist at MIT says the global warming doomsayers should take a breath.


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