
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

H.D.S. Greenway says when considering what to do about Iraq, the lesson of Vietnam is to cut and run. Here is another opinion column echoing that belief.

Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) gets caught in a men's room sex sting.

Scott Rasmussen says the media analysis of the GOP Presidential race so far is off base. I certainly agree with his main point, which is that most of the potential primary and caucus voters have not started paying attention, as of yet. Here in NH, we've just started the process, as school is about to start. The folks at the Giuliani campaign seem to understand the real start date of this process, as I have received three slick direct-mail pieces from them in the last week. Well done, folks.

Will there always be an England? Cal Thomas doesn't think so.

America in decline. It's an old story, repeated again and again over more than 200 years. Of course, it has never yet been true.

The new President of France states the truth. Unless diplomacy prevails, either we face an Iran with "The Bomb", or we bomb Iran. Both outcomes will lead to terrible consequences. I hope that France will join with her allies in using every means of pressure available to convince the leaders of Iran to halt their drive for nuclear weapons. When that fails, as I believe it will, I hope France (and our other allies) will stand with us when we sanction the Iranians for their efforts (via the UN, as well as economically). Perhaps this will work, although I expect that it will not. Unfortunately, though, I have come to the conclusion that we must not use military force against the Iranians, unless they attack us obviously and directly. The American people are tired of inconclusive wars, and will not support widening an already intractable conflict.


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