
Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Army is starting the year in the hole when it comes to recruiting. That's not surprising when one considers the fact that we are enjoying a solid economy and fighting an unpopular war in Iraq (Afghanistan is so far under the radar I think most folks don't even know we are still fighting there, but we should educate ourselves about what is happening, since the battle could go either way). The State Department is also having a hard time getting volunteers to serve in Iraq, so they are resorting to a draft, of sorts, from within their ranks. This, of course, has led to some serious dissension.

Despite the ongoing negativity from the MSM, Michael Yon (who is one of the best bloggers who does his reporting from inside Iraq) says that one of Iraq's most important tribal leaders says that Al Qaeda has been defeated.

Speaking of defeated, it appears that Hillary Clinton suffered a defeat at the hands of her rivals in last night's debate. I suspect she will recover, but not until after some hand-wringing and complaining from her supporters, one of whom blamed the moderator for her poor performance.

Dick Morris speculates about what might happen if the polls in Iowa and New Hampshire remain unchanged.

Meanwhile, Ron Paul gets more coverage, this time from Time.

The teachers unions are trying to kill a school choice program in Utah, according to George Will.

Bob Novak thinks Nancy Pelosi is the most powerful Speaker he has ever covered in his 50 years as a Washington reporter.


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