
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jeff Jacoby compares the recent back-and-forth between Romney and Giuliani on how tough they will be on illegal immigrants (as opposed to their previously held stance of being more tolerant about them) with the historical reputation of the Know-Nothing Party of the 19th Century. While racism and ignorance is no doubt a part of the issue today, as it was then, I think that the number of people who are reasonably concerned with our porous borders and with the tolerance of law-breaking makes today's anti-illegal immigrant crowd a much larger, and more credible force than the Know-Nothings ever were.

My old employers at the Portsmouth Herald will soon have new bosses, since Rupert Murdoch doesn't want to keep their parent chain.

More rioting by French "youths", but now armed with shotguns. Michelle Malkin has a round-up.

Israeli and Palestinian leaders set a goal of a comprehensive peace agreement by the end of next year. I wouldn't bet the change in my pocket that they'll achieve that goal. The biggest reason? The fact that a large number of Palestinians (and a not inconsiderable number of Israelis) don't want peace, they want victory, as demonstrated by this story.

Evangelical Christians in Iowa are warming to Mike Huckabee, not only because he is one of them, but because they wonder if Mitt Romney's Mormonism is really a Christian faith. I really believe Romney's religion is an issue, and he will have to address it at some point if he wants to win the nomination.


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