
Thursday, February 28, 2008

As you would expect, a big roundup of appreciation for the life of William F. Buckley at the National Review website. All Conservatives owe him a debt of gratitude for what he did as the intellectual leader of a reformed and revived Conservative movement in America.

Well, those of us hoping for a McCain victory in November won't be getting any help from a Michael Bloomberg third-party candidacy. In this New York Times op-ed, Mayor Bloomberg says he will not run for President. I had hoped he might run because, with his enormous personal resources, he could have run a very credible campaign that would have taken quite a few votes away from the Democratic nominee. It probably would not have been enough to win any states but might have swung some states into the GOP column. I guess we'll have to be satisfied with the far smaller efforts of Ralph Nader. Of course, in 2000 that was enough.

I always love stories that show Liberals being hoisted on their own petards. Here is one about the large, well-endowed educational institutions resisting calls from Congress to use more of their endowments for financial aid and other pro-social purposes. How dare those members of Congress tell people how to spend their own money! Heh.

Is John McCain eligible to be President? That's the question examined in this New York Times article. In my opinion, if John McCain is not eligible to be our President, then no one is.

Is the GOP in trouble in Texas? That's the question in this article, which points to recent Democratic successes in the Lone Star State, driven primarily by Hispanics switching from Republican to Democrat. John McCain's apostasy on the immigration issue may actually help in that area.


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