
Saturday, April 26, 2008

A bunch of self-described life-long Indiana Republicans say they will vote for Clinton or Obama. Hmmm. Republicans? Maybe. Conservatives? No.

Michael Hirsh has an interesting theory about how the South won the Civil War, after all.

Joy Page, who played the beautiful, young Bulgarian newlywed who seeks Mr. Rick's help in the classic film Casablanca, has died.

The editors of The Wall St. Journal take John McCain, and other politicians, to task for their pandering on global warming and the gas tax.

Michael Barone says Hillary Clinton now has the edge in the popular vote, and may be the leader at the end of the process, which would change the calculus of the superdelegates.

Many Democrats fear that the increasingly bitter tone of the campaign may result in an irreparable racial divide.

A defense of Congressional earmarks.

How we'll know when we've won in Iraq.


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