
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Well, this story from The Independent in the U.K. shows a real lack of historical knowledge. To compare the current economic downturn in the U.S. to the Great Depression is beyond idiotic.

Stanley Crouch thinks the recent antics of Bill and Hillary Clinton will ensure their involuntary retirement from American politics.

Christopher Hitchens has an even harsher assessment.

Another story on the radical roots of Obama's church.

Could racial bias be a factor in Pennsylvania? The proof will be in the voting.

Victor Davis Hanson thinks Obama will be another McGovern. I don't think so, only because we don't live in the America of 1972 anymore. But, if Obama does campaign on a platform of defeat in Iraq, combined with the racial ravings of his pastor and his very Liberal views, it might turn into a GOP victory, despite a bad economy and a war that seems to be unwinnable.


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