
Saturday, September 06, 2008

I've been proud of my country many times in my adult life, and today is just another instance, as I'm proud to read this news that so many Americans are interested in the political process that they tuned in by the millions to the party conventions and the candidate speeches. Both conventions set a record for viewership, and over 40 million people watched Barack Obama, John McCain and Sarah Palin speak. Just another piece of evidence to add to the pile that Americans realize how important this election will be to the future of the country. Does anyone doubt that this November's election will see a record turnout?

Obama hits the trail by visiting places he needs to win, and McCain-Palin do the same. What is interesting about the McCain-Palin story is it's focus on the enthusiasm of the crowd, something that McCain has lacked, at least in comparison to Obama's crowds. Just another advantage accrued by his choice of Palin as his running mate.

Bill Kristol thanks the MSM for their vitriolic attacks on Palin, which only serve to generate more interest in her and sympathy for her. The more they attack her, the more fired up the GOP base (which had been dispirited, remember) and the more folks who identify with her, whether they are Conservatives or not, get fed up with the MSM, and thus pay less attention to them. Meanwhile, here is a theory as to why the Left hates her so much. I guess Oprah's audience won't even get a chance to judge her for themselves.

The New York Times takes a look at Palin's religious beliefs. I suppose if an examination of Barack Obama's church and religious ideology is fair game, so is hers.

In other news, it looks like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are going to be taken over by the Federal Government. This is an enormous bail-out, but it is probably necessary.

The jobless rate goes up. Good news for Obama unless, of course, the American people decide that it isn't John McCain or Sarah Palin's fault. If that is the case, they then must decide who would be better able to bring the jobless rate down, Obama-Biden or McCain-Palin.

Ralph Peters says the claims that Americans have killed lots of civilians in Afghanistan are baseless, and he slams the American media that buys those claims and the American ambassador who will not refute them.

Bob Novak writes about his brain tumor. Ted Kennedy recommended surgery for him, and Novak underwent the procedure. Another reason to be proud of my country, and Ted Kennedy, as compassion trumps ideology. I think history will record that these two men, one a journalist, the other a U.S. Senator, were great Americans of their time. I wish them both well.


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