
Monday, January 05, 2009

The level of sea ice expanded dramatically as 2008 came to a close, leaving it at levels not seen since 1979. More evidence that we are entering a global cooling, rather than global warming, climate phase?

Ralph Peters explains what the Israeli military is doing in Gaza, and he encourages them to keep it up until Hamas is destroyed.

Bill Kristol believes the Israelis just might succeed in Gaza, even though many believe they will fail as they did in Lebanon in 2006.

John Bolton argues that the "two-state solution", and the peace process that is based on it, cannot work. He argues for a "three-state solution". I don't believe anyone will buy that one, either.

Al Franken will be declared the winner of the Senate seat in Minnesota, having narrowly won a recount. I don't expect the GOP to give up the fight, though, and it will certainly involve more legal fees.

Robert J. Samuelson has some thoughts on the proposals for a stimulus package, and why it can only be seen as a stopgap solution.


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