
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Charlie Cook writes about some polling data that shows independent voters heading back toward the GOP.

This doesn't surprise me, as day after day President Obama presents evidence that he is weak, incompetent, and much farther to the Left than the mainstream of Americans.

David Warren writes about Obama's ideological disconnect.

Bill Kristol writes about Obama's disgraceful Iran message, which only underscores Obama's weakness.

Eleanor Clift who, unlike Warren and Kristol, is an Obama supporter, writes about the disturbing A.I.G. bonus mess, which seems to have originated in a loophole inserted into the bailout bill by Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, who says he was pressured into doing so by administration officials.

The Congressional Budget Office has scored the President's budget, and because they don't assume a rosy economic growth forecast as the President does, they assume much larger deficits.

Amir Taheri writes about the reasons behind Russia's military modernization plan.

Is there a market-based solution to Medicare's problems?

Finally, the economist James K. Galbraith has this piece in The Washington Monthly which gives his view of the extent of our current economic crisis, and what needs to be done about it. Galbraith believes the President and his people haven't realized the extent of the crisis, and are not putting the policies in place needed to get us out of this mess. Galbraith's solutions would involve a truly massive expansion of government through public works plans and increasing Social security and Medicare benefits. Read it anyway, as I think Galbraith has some valid points about the origins and extent of the crisis.


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