
Friday, March 06, 2009

More bad news for the economy as the U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 8.1% in February. I'm sorry to say that I was one of those whose job disappeared that month, so I have a lot of company (which, unfortunately, doesn't make me feel any better about it).

Jim Cramer, who finds himself now a part of the Obama opposition, defends himself.

Paul Krugman, who is ideologically on the same side as the President, is unhappy with what he calls the President's "dithering".

David Brooks writes about how the folks inside the White House responded to his criticism of the budget.

Steve Forbes says two simple regulatory changes could make a huge difference in turning around our financial crisis.

Sally Pipes reveals health care myths that reformers continue to use in their efforts to bring universal, taxpayer-funded health insurance to Americans.

Across the pond, Tim Reid says President Obama is betting the farm in a $4 trillion poker game. If he wins, start putting his face on Mt. Rushmore. If he loses, America becomes just another bankrupt banana republic, without the bananas.

Charles Krauthammer marvels at Obama's radical agenda.

Fred Barnes sees the Obama agenda having an influence on those moderates who supported the President, and now are beginning to believe that Obama is not one of them. They were warned, of course.

My only hope politically now for the country is that President Obama's plans are seen as such a failure by November, 2010 that the Democrats are massacred (electorally speaking, of course) and the GOP re-takes the House and Senate. Much damage will have been done by then, no doubt, but at least no more can be done thereafter. By 2012, under that scenario, if the GOP can find a good candidate, we can send Mr. Obama back to Illinois. A lot of ifs, I know, but it's the best I can hope for at this juncture.


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