
Thursday, April 23, 2009

The men who invented the Internet (and Al Gore is not among them) talk about the future.

Economist Nouriel Roubini writes about the global economy, and predicts that it will continue to shrink for at least another year and a half, with double-digit unemployment here in the U.S. by the middle of 2009.

The slowing economy, and the depressed housing market, are among the factors keeping Americans from moving.

Ralph Peters says the American Left wants show trials, not of terrorists who are trying to kill Americans, but of Americans who interrogated terrorists.

I see two trends. One is that of the productive people in the economy pulling back, not just due to fear of the vicissitudes of the marketplace, but also because of fear of government interference and taxation. The other is of the people who defend us pulling back from doing what is necessary for fear of later prosecution. Both trends are very dangerous.


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