
Friday, May 15, 2009

Governor Lynch is set to sign a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, if lawmakers will make a change in the bill that would prevent religious organizations from having to perform such marriages if it violates their beliefs. More thoughts on this later.

Mexican migration into the United States is in decline. It makes sense, since we have fewer job opportunities here. When the economy, so will immigration (legal or otherwise) from Mexico.

David Brooks sees the light at the end of the fiscal tunnel, and it is the oncoming train of unsustainable debt. As the numbers come into focus, I suspect more people will begin to worry about this problem. Will the MSM sound the alarm, even if it means being critical of their man in the White House?

Paul Krugman goes to China, and finds a country governed by leaders who are unwilling to lower their carbon output. Meanwhile, the Australians are eyeing China's military buildup, and taking action.

A new kind of trade war, one that doesn't involve tariffs.

Why the President's poll numbers are sure to drop. The answer, in part, is the coming of undivided government.

Charles Krauthammer defends his position on torture.

We've heard a lot about Muslim radicalism, but some are concerned about Hindu radicalism in India.


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