
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The forecast here calls for three days of rain and cold, which means I am part of what could be 'the year without a summer'. More evidence that, perhaps, global warming is baloney, or it is at least being delayed, perhaps by the impact of a diminished sunspot cycle.

New Hampshire retailers, rejoice! An increase in the Massachusetts sales tax is now a sure thing.

Boston Globe union members to The New York Times Company...drop dead. At some point, The New York Times Company will respond in a similar manner, which will be the end for The Boston Globe.

The 'hooking up' culture is now expanding beyond college campuses.

The Supreme Court wants to take a look at the Chrysler sale to Fiat. If they decide to hear the case, being brought by some state pension funds whose managers believe they are getting a raw deal, the delay could cause Fiat to back out of the deal, which could cause Chrysler to go bankrupt (via a more normal bankruptcy process, resulting in the liquidation of the company).

The President gets away with phony jobs claims. The pro-Obama bias of the MSM is more spectacular than for any President or politician in my lifetime.

A Canadian doctor (who now practices in the U.S.) lays out the problems with Canada's health care system.

Bill Whittle at Pajamas TV has this outstanding comparison of Star Trek, President Obama, and the MSM. It's 'must-see TV'.

Why is the Right doing so well in Europe? Why did the pro-Western factions do so well in Lebanon?

Could we be entering a period of 'deglobalization'?


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