
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

George Will writes about why no one believes President Obama anymore. I agree, and I think the President is losing credibility not only with those who did not vote for him, but also with Independents, as is pointed out in this article from a supporter expressing his frustration with Obama's mistakes. Here is the real danger for the Democrats in 2010 and 2012, the growing realization by the ardent supporters of Obama that they were conned, that Obama is not a transformational figure, that he is, instead, simply another standard 'go along to get along' politician, and not a very competent one, at that. If this impression hardens into a fixed opinion the GOP will win big in the next two elections.

Amir Taheri writes about the latest victory for President Ahmadinejad of Iran. Meanwhile, Bret Stephens believes the President is pushing Israel toward war with Iran. Here is another area where the President, through inaction, will be seen as responsible for allowing some very bad things to happen with dire consequences for the nation.

The argument is heating up on Capitol Hill about whether or not to send more troops in Afghanistan, while at least one observer of the local scene believes we won't get anywhere unless we deal with the endemic corruption in the government there. (Another reason I am skeptical about nation building is that, if we are unable to eliminate corruption in our government here, why do we think we can eliminate it in their government over there).


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