
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm not going to write much about the passage of a health reform bill out of committee in the Senate, and the media frenzy about the lone Republican, Olympia Snowe of Maine, who voted for it. The reason? There is still a long way to go. Joe Lieberman has already indicated he opposes the bill, and he is a bellwether precisely because he is a liberal who positions himself as a political centrist. The unions are running a full-page ad this morning in a lot of papers in opposition to the bill in its present form, and the insurance companies oppose it, so I don't see how it will pass. My inclination remains firm that nothing substantive will pass, just as in 1993-94.

Jeff Jacoby writes about why the Israeli-Palestinian 'peace process' is doomed.

Here are some reasons why the Russians are not afraid of an Iranian nuclear weapon.

The U.S. military reports its best recruiting year since the inception of the all volunteer force in 1973, despite the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I guess this news is as good a measure as any other of how bad this recession is on the job front.


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