
Monday, December 21, 2009

So, they've gone and done it. On a party line, 60-40 vote held at 1 AM, the Democrats have passed their so-called 'health reform' bill. Still, they will now need to reconcile the Senate version with the House version, and then get the reconciled version passed in both houses, before they can send it to President Obama.

In the wake of the passage of the bill, Bill Kristol calls on all Conservatives and Republicans (and Libertarians) to fight.

Scott Gottleib says only the very rich will be able to escape the clutches of the new health insurance program.

Michael Goodwin fears for the future of the country.

Jay Cost says the political consequences of the bill might result in another 'Jacksonian moment' in American history.

Robert J. Samuelson says passing the bill might be a nightmare for President Obama.

As for me, I still maintain that they will not pass a final bill. Even though the Democrats have a larger majority in the House than they do in the Senate, all House members will face the voters in less than a year. Plus, Liberal members are already being assailed by their core constituents over many aspects of the Senate bill, especially the lack of a public option combined with a mandate to buy private insurance. Stay tuned. It is not over yet.


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