
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pity the poor people of Haiti. They already live in one of the poorest countries on Earth, plagued by poverty, poor infrastructure, and an unstable political system, and now they are hammered by Mother Nature with a massive earthquake. I expect the death toll will be extreme, not only because so many died immediately when the old, poorly constructed buildings collapsed on them, but also those who will die because they will not be rescued from underneath the rubble.

The polls show the Massachusetts Senate race continues to get tighter as we get closer to election day.

If "Ted Kennedy's seat" isn't safe, what Democratic seat is?

Mark McGwire's mea culpa does not satisfy all the critics. A son of Roger Maris appreciates the McGwire apology, but believes his dad is the real home run king.

A mystery object will pass close to Earth this week. Scientists say it won't hit us, and it is too small to do any damage if it did.

Conan O'Brien gives his reasons for refusing to go along with moving The Tonight Show to 12:05 AM. Check out the David Letterman video at the end of the piece.

Thomas Friedman, who is a fan of how they do things in The People's Republic of China, doesn't believe they are the new Enron. Of course, as a consequence of their one-child policy and the selective abortion of female children, China faces a shortage of females. It will be quite interesting to see how this particular experiment in social engineering turns out as the century progresses.

Lawrence J. Korb doesn't think very highly of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Harold Meyerson worries that an imperfect health reform bill will come back to bite the Democrats in the Fall. He should worry, because it will.


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