
Friday, March 05, 2010

Another Democrat decides to throw in the towel. This time it is Bill Delahunt of Massachusetts. He says the controversy over the Bishop case is not the reason. He says the political climate is not the reason. He just says it is time to go (he is 68 years old). No matter the reason, it provides yet another opportunity for the GOP to pick up a seat in November.

Finally, a politician speaks the truth. Congratulations to Governor Christie of New Jersey for his unvarnished remarks to the mayors of his state about the budget, public employees, and taxes.

David Brooks compares the Tea Party folks with the New Left of the Sixties.

Charles Krauthammer writes about the decision by President Obama to press on with his health reform plan without any Republican support. The game is now in the House, since it appears likely that the Senate version can pass through that chamber via the reconciliation process. But the House still has to pass it, and it is the Democratic members of the House who are most politically vulnerable at this time. I'm sticking with my prediction that nothing will pass.


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