
Monday, May 17, 2010

Here is an opinion I am beginning to find more and more plausible, that the only way we will get past our addiction to government spending is the same way people addicted to drugs or alcohol get past their addictions...hit bottom. When our society collapses into economic and political chaos, when we see clearly the worst consequences of our profligacy and dependency, then we will be able to re-order our political and economic system. What form will it take? I haven't a clue.

Fear stalks the European continent, and investors who hold European debt.

George Will sees a lack of discipline as the main problem in Europe, and an unrealistic adherence to the fiction of a unified, European government.

Conrad Black is still optimistic about the United States (and Canada) as he surveys the European scene and determines that their real problem is that only about 30% of the people work for a living.

Robert J. Samuelson is not optimistic as he considers the fact that the American people and their political leaders are still unwilling to have a real debate about the debt and deficits.

Perhaps his pessimism (and mine) is fueled by the fact that too many very smart people, like Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, want to blame something or someone else for our political problems (in Krugman's case, he blames a radical, right-wing takeover of the GOP).

No matter what else happens, it seems government always grows larger and more powerful.

Arthur Herman believes President Obama wants to cut defense spending to a degree that will put our position as a world power in peril.

Ralph Peters sees American anti-Semitism on the rise.

Scientists see the potential for more volcanic eruptions on Iceland.


At 2:17 AM, Anonymous Marble And Granite said...

Nice blog keep it the good work going...:)


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