
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our top commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, is coming to Washington today for a special meeting with the President in the wake of a profile in Rolling Stone magazine that includes a number of critical comments by McChrystal about various members of the Administration. Con Coughlin believes President Obama will sack McChrystal in the wake of these comments. I believe he should be sacked, not just for the comments, but also for poor job performance. I do have some sympathy for McChrystal, however, as I believe he was handed an impossible situation, forced to deal with a President at home who does not understand how to wage war (and does not want to), and a President in Afghanistan who only wants to hold onto as much power and money as he can get for himself, his family and his cronies. That, of course, does not even take into account the fact that he has to deal with the Taliban and their allies inside Pakistan, not to mention the problems with his 'friends', the CIA, the State Department, the UN, and our NATO allies. I can't imagine why any General would want the job.

After a series of really poor columns, David Brooks hits a home run with this one.

As frustration mounts concerning the gushing oil well in the Gulf, here is one proposal that would put the Navy in charge and have them use explosives to shut down the well. The Navy does know a thing or two about underwater explosions, and working in the deep ocean.

Is Charlie Crist Florida's version of Arlen Specter?


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