
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

If GOP lawmakers get there way you will no longer need to retreat from an attacker before using deadly force against him to avoid legal consequences.

Dennis Prager has an answer for two questions; what do men want and what do women want?

Carol Shea-Porter says the Chinese wanted her to lose her seat. If so, it marks one of the few times that my interests and those of the PRC are one and the same.

Betting on an optimistic view of our energy future, and winning.

An in-depth look at the Eurozone crisis.

Frank Rich is confused about the 1950s. The reason for his confusion is simple. The 1950s, like every other decade in human history, was filled with the good, the bad, and the ugly. Focus on one at the expense of the others and one gets a distorted view of the decade.

Unsustainable public debt loads have, throughout recorded history, resulted in the collapse of nations, either by internal revolt, civil war, or defeat at the hands of their rivals. Can we possibly believe that we in the West are somehow immune, that we can continue to pile up debt without consequences?


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