
Monday, October 25, 2004


Read the following op-ed piece from today's Boston Globe. These people don't even understand the sickening irony of the phrase 'peace with honor', even though they seem to understand that the policy itself was a lie. It was not 'peace with honor', it was defeat. And yet, that is exactly what these people advocate in Iraq.

In the end, the war in Vietnam became exactly what the North Vietnamese propaganda machine had always (at first wrongly) claimed it to be: an antisocial war. It became a war that pitted the US military against the people of another country. Whatever the justice of the original mission, the character of the war changed, and it became an unjust war. President Johnson, to his credit, refused to preside over the continuance of that war.

It fell instead to President Nixon to manage "peace with honor": declaring a US victory and then abandoning South Vietnam to its own compromised resources. This is now the Bush administration's best course in Iraq. The only other remaining policy option is to expand military service, and if history is any guide, providing security in Iraq will require an army of at least a million soldiers. Unfortunately, due to the more widespread and intensified threat we now face, a future Bush administration may attempt to do both.

Read the rest of it by following the link.


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