
Monday, August 22, 2005


Here are some of the things I am considering for discussion on tonight's show from Midnight to 5 AM on WBZ-Boston:

Is the almost monolithic support by African-Americans of the Democratic party showing some signs of weakening? Here is an article about the issue.

Here is a long piece on the issue of scientific inquiry into the origins of homosexuality. If we can ever reach some kind of scientific consensus on this question it will have a significant impact on the policy discussion regarding gays (i.e., marriage, military service, etc.).

The controversy over "Intelligent Design" theory, and whether or not it should have equal standing in public schools alongside Evolution, gets some more ink in the New York Times.

Should Congress be more aggressive in battling high oil and gas prices? This piece, in the Washington Times, argues that more can be done, including raising fuel-efficiency standards and releasing some of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Finally, from the National Review, here is a pessimistic piece by John Cullinan and an optimistic piece by James Robbins about Iraq.


At 2:25 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Dan, I once called you on 'GIR (nearly ten years ago!), talking about IQ and genetics. You gave me James Flynn and Newsweek. Well, Charles Murray in his much-discussed recent Commentary article deals directly with it.

I hope you get a chance to read the article. It's great. I'm an ardent Darwinist.

Hope the family's well.


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