
Monday, November 14, 2005

Cathy Young makes the case for science. Intelligent Design is NOT science.

Evolution is, in fact, the foundation of the entire science of modern biology and much of modern medicine. No, there is no absolute ''proof" of evolution, but that's not how science works. The evolutionary theory of origin of species is supported by abundant evidence from the fossil record and genetics research -- indicating, for instance, that both humans and modern apes are related to primates who lived millions of years ago or that modern birds are related to dinosaurs. And how much scientific evidence is there disproving evolutionary theory? Zero. Yes, there are many unanswered questions about evolution. But the answer to these questions is more scientific research, not filling the gaps with ''God did it."...The words of intelligent-design champions themselves leave no doubt that their motivation is religious, not scientific. A good overview of the topic is given by University of Chicago professor Jerry Coyne in the Aug. 22 New Republic. Coyne quotes mathematician William Dembski, one of the much-vaunted ''real scientists" who champion intelligent design: ''At a fundamental level . . . what drives me in this is that I think God's glory is being robbed by these naturalistic approaches to biological evolution, creation, the origin of the world."

Read the whole thing.

The Washington Post puts a story about property taxes in New Hampshire on the front page. Now the rest of the country knows that we pay extra property taxes based on the view. (Personally, I don't, because I don't have much of a view. We're still getting slammed, anyway.)


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