
Friday, April 21, 2006

If we can take the recent announcement of a crackdown against companies that hire illegals sincerely, then it is very good news, indeed. Perhaps the folks in the Bush Administration are getting the message that the majority of ordinary Americans are fed up with a system that is broken and is a threat to our national security, and creating problems for those on the lower end of the wage scale. For too long the GOP has been listening to its business interests and not the folks at the grass roots on this issue. Perhaps they now realize that all of the corporate money in the world won't keep then in control of Congress in November, only the turnout of their grass roots base will do that.

So, now we know the size and budget of our intelligence services. It wasn't leaked by someone in the shadows, but, rather, by top officials. I thought this stuff was classified?

Jaafari will step aside as Iraqi Prime Minister, which is good news. But don't hold your breath waiting for them to come to a decision on who ought to be the next PM.

Some scientists from Duke University are downplaying the more extreme global warming scenarios. So, now who should we believe?


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