
Monday, May 29, 2006

If you, like me, are hopping mad at the efforts of congressional leaders to shield themselves from properly executed search warrants, but are lacking in the legal expertise to understand why it is not a 'separation of powers' issue, check out Instapundit. The man behind Instapundit is law professor Glenn Reynolds. Just scroll down to find an explanation as to why the law about this is clear, including some links to other sources. The Founders NEVER intended that members of Congress be immune from laws against bribery and corruption.

Robert Kagan has an interesting op-ed piece in the Washington Post in which he argues that it might be good for the country to see a Democrat become President in 2009. Basically, he likens the period we are in to the end of the Truman Administration (something the President also did in his speech at West Point the other day). I have made this point myself, as have a number of others. George W. Bush has transformed American foreign policy like no one since Truman, because we now face a completely new global threat, just as Truman did at the onset of the Cold War. This transformation was bitterly opposed by the GOP in Truman's day, and Kagan compares that to the bitter opposition from the Democratic base today. He believes that if the Democrats regain control over foreign policy they will have to accept the new realities and move forward, just as Eisenhower did starting in 1953. An interesting theory, which can only be proved one way or the other if the Democrats win in 2008 (we might get a preview if they regain control of Congress in '06).

Finally, the Suncook River here in New Hampshire made the New York Times this morning. The river's course has changed, leaving an exposed riverbed and some befuddled residents and curious scientists. Apparently, this is not a common occurrence in NH.


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