
Monday, June 12, 2006

Sometimes I wish I was not such a news junkie. Reading the papers every morning these days can oftentimes be a depressing experience. For instance, our armed forces finally are able to locate and take out one of the most despicable murderers of this or any other generation, so despicable, in fact, that he was loathed by many of his own people, and yet an American general is forced to come out and rebut some half-assed charge from some Iraqi "witness" that American soldiers beat Zarqawi as he lay dying in the dirt. Fortunately, another witness described American soldiers ripping open his clothes in an effort to save his life. Then there is this story about the suicides at Guantanamo, which includes condemnation from the Saudi Arabian government, a non-democratic government that continues to fund the spread of a hateful, anti-American ideology throughout the Muslim world. After reading this stuff every day, I just want to throw up my hands and say "bring the boys home"! Let the Arabs rip each other to shreds, Shiite against Sunni, radical against moderate, tribe against tribe. Let the Israelis deal with them on their own, without our aid. Let the Europeans make their peace with them, and the Iranians for that matter, on whatever terms they can get. Fortress America, anyone?

Speaking of the Iranians, they are now campaigning for talks without pre-conditions. If they can get the Chinese or Russians on board (which I believe will happen), then they can force the U.S. and the Europeans to back down on enrichment even before they get to the table.

Joel Mowbray has an interesting column about why Canada became a target for potential terrorist acts.

Michael Barone has some thoughts on why the vitriolic anger on the Democratic left may actually be backfiring on Democrats at the polls.


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