While members of Congress debate whether or not we should pull our troops out of Iraq, new documents captured as a result of the killing of Zarqawi indicate that the terrorists recognize that things are not going well for them. In fact, as Ralph Peters points out...
We're winning.
Yeah, the good guys. Our troops. And the Iraqi army. We're winning. We were winning big even before we nailed Zarqawi. The terrorists themselves said so. In their state-of-the-troubled-union message to themselves.
According to al Qaeda in Iraq, critics of "stay the course" need to stick it where the sun don't shine: One key captured document states that "time is beginning to be of service to the American forces."
Guess we ought to pull our troops out now. Right, Nancy? Howard? Teddy? John?
Read the whole thing.
Meanwhile, the Israelis are still dealing with Qassam rockets being fired into their territory from Gaza, despite the fact that they did what the Palestinians wanted by evacuating all Jewish settlers from the region and dismantling their military checkpoints and posts. This, of course, has led to Israeli retaliation by the use of artillery, which may have killed a Palestinian family on the beach. As Charles Krauthammer says...
This is another example of the Palestinians' classic and cowardly human-shield tactic -- attacking innocent Israeli civilians while hiding behind innocent Palestinian civilians. For Palestinian terrorists -- and the Palestinian governments (both Fatah and Hamas) that allow them to operate unmolested -- it's a win-win: If their rockets aimed into Israeli towns kill innocent Jews, no one abroad notices and it's another success in the terrorist war against Israel. And if Israel's preventive and deterrent attacks on those rocket bases inadvertently kill Palestinian civilians, the iconic "Israeli massacre" picture makes the front page of the New York Times, and the Palestinians win the propaganda war.
Bingo. Whether the Israeli artillery shell really killed the Palestinian family is not relevant. The Palestinian terrorists DELIBERATELY try to kill Jewish civilians with their horribly inaccurate rockets, while the Israelis try to kill only the terrorists. This is just the kind of war that, as an American, I have always hated. It just goes on and on without resolution, because neither side is willing to fight it out to total victory, or end it with some sort of reasonable compromise. To their credit, the Israelis tried to settle on a compromise with the Oslo Accords, only to be double-crossed by Arafat. Unfortunately for the Israelis, without any prospect for another reasonable compromise, and an unwillingness to launch an all-out assault against the Palestinians that would destroy their communities and drive their people into Jordan and Egypt, they are left with this 'tit-for-tat' , never-ending low-grade war.
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