
Monday, July 10, 2006

While the big news out of Iraq these days is still an unrelenting saga of mayhem and brutality, there are some signs that the situation can still be salvaged. Check out this front-page New York Times story about one area of Iraq that is enjoying relative peace, because the tribes in that area have united to oppose Islamist violence and intimidation.

Also, check out the view from StrategyPage, which indicates that Sunni leaders are finally coming to terms with Shia dominance of Iraq. This is the first step in an actual modus vivendi between the groups that might allow the government to gain the upper hand on the insurgents and militias. If the mainstream Sunnis, especially the various tribal leaders, can come to grips with the fact of Shia dominance of Iraq, then they can make peace with the new government. Unfortunately, I suspect that continued interference from Iran may make the job harder than it should be.

On the other side of the world, Japan is considering its military options against North Korea. Perhaps that will get the attention of the Chinese, enough to convince them to lean on Kim Jong Il until he starts behaving.


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