
Thursday, August 31, 2006

The U.S. is drafting sanctions against Iran as the Iranians continue to give the world the finger regarding their enrichment of uranium. Do not hold your breath waiting for the U.N. Security Council to pass such sanctions, as the Russians or Chinese or both will almost certainly block them.

Former Navy Secretary John Lehman says we are not winning the war. He makes some good points.

The Washington Post still does not get it about rising health insurance costs. While they are absolutely right to cite the figures that show the decline in health insurance coverage among young, middle-class adults, they cannot seem to find their way to the only workable solution. That solution is to discard the system of employer-provided health insurance which was created by the Depression and World War II and go to a system of individual-based health insurance with a government-provided floor of basic coverage for those without the means to afford a private plan. Create a market of 300 million people looking to buy health coverage and I am sure the insurance companies will fall all over themselves to create plans to sell to them.


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