
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Caroline Glick, a columnist for the Jerusalem Post, says Israel needs to be prepared for the coming wars. It is a sobering analysis. If she is right, it could be the spark for the big war that I see on the horizon.

Israel says it is determined to prevent Hezbollah's re-armament. I have no doubt that they are determined, but can they succeed? I think not.

Victor Davis Hanson, despite all evidence to the contrary, still has hope that the people of the West are awakening to the Islamist threat.

I think the people of the West are still oblivious. I think the people of the West have been so infected by the spirit of political correctness that they are incapable of even seeing the truth, much less the ability to respond effectively to it. The Israeli defeat at the hands of Hezbollah and, by extension, Iran, has profoundly altered my thinking about the situation. Israel is a Western nation. It is populated by Western people, many of who are originally from or have ancestors from Europe and America. It has a Western system of government, a Western press, and a Western military. It is subject to the same intellectual trends that we have seen in Europe and, too a somewhat lesser extent, in America. But I always thought that the Israelis unique position in the world, surrounded by enemies, despised by so many in the world, with a history within living memory of efforts made by others to exterminate them, would make them different. Surely the Israelis would not fall prey to the debilitating effects of Western political correctness? Alas, it seems that they have. Their own leaders refuse to see the magnitude of their defeat.

This does not bode well for our survival in this struggle. Even if, as VDH has written many times, our system has created an overwhelming economic and military superiority over our enemies which precludes the possibility of our destruction (and that includes Israel) at the hands of the Islamists, the fact that we are spiritually weaker than our enemies only serves to bolster the belief among them that they can win using violent means. This is a prescription for miscalculation that will lead to tremendous destruction.


At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re : Aug 22 Iranian response

It would seem plausible that Iran could declare war on the United States on Tuesday. An attack on our positions in Iraq would be possible, their political assets are already in place there. Al Sadr and his minion army has been active for quite a while now. By attacking us in Iraq it would further fuel the political divide within our own country. The Iranian leader has quoted the American anit-war lefts views before so he is aware of the situation here. Ahmadinejad has met with Hugo Chavez which one could speculate a co coordinated oil shut down by both nations would devastate the U.S. economy. The wild card of Irans nuclear ambitions and denial of the Jewish holocaust make these observations very discomforting to say the least. Add to this the posibility of mulitiple coordinated terrorist acts like the plan that was broken up in London, the farce of the Hezbolla cease fire and one really starts to see the cards are on the table now. Let us hope we have a ace or two up our sleeve.

At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, Iran is also active in "war game" operations.

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monday @ 17:00 EST (5p.m) it will be August 22nd in Jerusalem.....


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