
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Blogging has been light these last two weeks as I have been working at WPRO in Providence.

Well, now that the Democrats are running the show in NH, these things were expected.

The GOP has lost another Congressman, although this time they have lost him permanently.

Robert J. Samuelson continues to speak the truth about Federal spending.

Some commentary on two things;

One, the Iraq War debate in the House is a shame and a sham. The Democrats believe the war is wrong, and yet their leadership is unwilling to pass a measure that would cut off funding after a certain time period. So, for political reasons, they allow an unjust and mistaken war to continue. The Republicans are little better, as they were willing to rubber stamp the actions of the Administration at almost every point, even as they bumbled their way through what has turned into a disaster from a foreign policy perspective.

Two, the Korean deal is just another example of the impotence of our current government. In essence, the Bush Administration, after all of its bluster, has adopted the Clintonian appeasement plan. I expect they will see the same results.

I suppose I shouldn't treat these politicians too harshly. After all, they are only following the lead of an American people who are unwilling to stick out a tough war, just as they are unwilling to face the reality of our gigantic and unsustainable welfare state.


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