
Monday, January 22, 2007

Now that I have been forced to start my football withdrawal process (due to the collapse of the Patriots defense against the Colts last night), I can turn to some other things.

I am losing track of the number of people throwing their hat into the Presidential ring. The rush of entries is going fast and furious, and is way too early for me. Michael Barone is right when he writes that our Presidential selection process is terribly flawed. But there does not seem to be a way to change it to a more rational process, as vested interests (like the folks here in NH) will furiously fight against any effort to reform it. Believe me, I like (and have benefited from) the retail politicking that is the hallmark of the NH Presidential primary. But with all the jostling going on now by other states looking for a piece of the action, and the enormous pressure for candidates to get in the race early, it seems as if we are fated to have a process that starts before the mid-term elections and will end with two nominees many months before the conventions, after a short and furious primary season in January and February of '08.

Christopher Hitchens has some thoughts about facing the Islamist menace.

Benny Morris predicts a Second Holocaust. Meanwhile, the President of Iran continues to stand by his nuclear program, despite criticism at home and abroad.


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