
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Another critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin dies under mysterious circumstances. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

As a person whose ancestors mostly hail from the British Isles, this article interests me. It seems that some geneticists believe that the majority of Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English people are descended from the same stock, with the invasions of Celts, Angles, Saxons, etc., having less impact than most historians thought. As Mr. Spock might say, "Fascinating".

The President of Taiwan has angered the Butchers of Beijing with his talk of independence. It seems he was just saying what his political base wants to hear, as he tries to deal with damage from a scandal.

One former New York columnist reveals the darker side of Rudy Giuliani. While Richard Cohen, writing in the same paper, says Senator Obama can speak with greater credibility about the problems afflicting America's Black community.


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