
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

ABC News is reporting that they have a video which shows suicide bombers being sent on their way to Europe and America. If true, and they succeed in carrying out some attacks here in the U.S., then the whole dynamic of the political process in this country will change overnight. An immigration bill without a true border fence? Fugghedaboudditt! The peace party (Democrats, of course) in a walk in the next election? Not so fast, re-run breath. McCain a dead duck in the GOP race? Hold the phone, Eileen.

A big offensive is under way in Iraq. Michael Yon is with the troops, and he describes the action so far in this post.

Ralph Peters knows why Hamas won in Gaza.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about the hypocrisy that destroys civilization.

Fred Thompson's entry into the GOP presidential race could be a turning point.

The Muslim world is infuriated by the knighthood bestowed on Salman Rushdie.

Michael Barone hopes the confusion caused by the leap-frogging of states in the presidential primary process will lead to a more orderly system. Don't hold your breath, Michael.


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