
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

H.D.S. Greenway writes a tribute to the U.S. Navy.

John Leo writes about the troubling research that shows how diversity within a community causes alienation and friction.

Four Sunni sheiks who were helping us defeat al-Qaeda in Iraq are killed by a suicide bomber.

Michael Barone tries to untangle the polls. It is a good analysis (as always). My own interpretation of the polls is, to put it simply, it's too soon to tell. Republicans are looking for Reagan and Democrats are looking for a winner, any winner, which is why Hillary continues to hold a solid, steady lead. Richard Cohen looks back at 1972 for a winning paradigm for the GOP, although I don't buy it. If anything, 2008 is 1968. 2012 will be 1972, as President Hillary Clinton continues to fight a war in Iraq, while telling the public she is trying to end it.

Newt Gingrich says we are fighting World War IV, and doing so with incompetent and borderline cowardly leaders. Like the prominent neo-cons, Gingrich believes the Cold War was World War III, and the Islamist jihad is World War IV. The problem with their analogy is that the majority of the American people aren't buying it and won't, at least until we are hit with another devastating attack here at home.


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