
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

President Bush will endorse the recommendation by General Petraeus that will bring a small number of troops home by the end of the year and then the rest of the 30,000 that constitute the "surge" by next Summer. Pat Buchanan believes the President is doing this as part of his strategy to force the Democrats into retreat.

A new poll shows a majority still don't believe we can win in Iraq.

Tony Blankley has some thoughts on where we are six years after the 9/11 attacks.

Norman Podhoretz believes we are fighting World War IV, but is not surprised that the American Left refuses to believe it. William F. Buckley stands with Podhoretz on this one.

If, like me, you travel frequently by air into and out of New York City, you are probably familiar with the experience of flight delays. One outgoing Federal official is warning the airlines that they need to do something about it, or the Feds will do it for them.

A record number of immigrants now living in the United States.

I don't know much about Belgium, but I did know that it is mainly comprised of two different ethnic groups, Walloons and Flemings. Some are suggesting that the country may split apart, and perhaps it should.


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