
Monday, December 03, 2007

The New Hampshire Union Leader endorses John McCain for President. While they don't have the influence they once did, the Union Leader is still a force to be reckoned with in the Granite State. If there are a lot of undecided Republicans out there (and I think there are, in fact, I am one of them), then a Union Leader endorsement might make the difference among a not inconsiderable number of them. I haven't made my own decision yet, but I have been leaning toward McCain. Some other "leaners" might fall into the McCain camp because of this endorsement.

Mitt Romney, who has a solid lead here in New Hampshire but is watching Mike Huckabee pass him in Iowa, has decided he needs to address the issue of his Mormon faith. I will listen with interest, but that is really not the big issue for me when it comes to Governor Romney. I just can't get past the fact that whenever I see him speak or see one of his commercials on TV or see him in a debate, one word comes into my mind...PHONY. I guess you can't call me a Romney "leaner".

More problems for Idaho Senator Larry Craig, as the local paper is reporting on a number of alleged gay liaisons involving the Senator, with testimony from the other men involved.

Don Imus is back on the air in New York, with a black female as his sidekick. That's good PR and, if she's funny, it might be an entertaining show, too.

Two elections, two different results. In Venezuela, President Chavez loses a vote that would have made constitutional changes beneficial to the continuation, almost indefinitely, of his rule. Meanwhile, President Putin of Russia shows us how it's done, by rigging the vote so that his party, United Russia, wins a smashing victory. The lesson? Not surprisingly, Vladimir Putin is a more cunning and competent dictator than Hugo Chavez, which means he is more likely to hold onto his power longer.

Some thoughts on the possibility of World War III.


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