
Friday, February 29, 2008

His cover blown, Prince Harry is going home after ten weeks in Afghanistan. I find it truly unfortunate that some in the Western media are either not capable of self-restraint or, and I think this is more likely, do not believe that they are part of the West and, therefore, are not obligated to do their reporting with some sensitivity to the security needs of Western armed forces and governments. It is worth noting that the majority of those Western media outlets that were given the information about Harry's deployment kept the secret. But, you might ask, why should they? I would make this simple argument. As a member of the Western media (in my case, the American media) and a citizen of the United States, I am not completely detached from the war that is raging between Islamist fundamentalists and the West. I am on one side in that fight. I do want my side to win. Therefore, I will not report on things that, in my best judgment, would endanger the people who are fighting on my side. There is, of course, the possibility that those who reported on Harry's deployment did not see that such reporting would put him, and his men, in danger. I suspect they are not that stupid.

Meanwhile, here in the States, the most recent polls in Texas show Obama with a slight lead, and those polls of Ohio show Clinton with a slight lead in that state. The bad news for Hillary is that the trends are going Obama's way, as she once held a solid lead in both states.


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