
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Bill and Hillary are telling the superdelegates that "Obama can't win". Not surprising, since that is their only logical argument for the superdelegates to overturn the verdict of the popular vote.

With the exit of Bob Lobel from WBZ-TV, perhaps the era of the celebrity broadcaster is over. Another piece of evidence to indicate that the media world people like me grew up with is on the way out. I cannot predict what will replace it.

The President of Argentina says her country's claim to the Falkland Islands is "inalienable".

Could the Mugabe Era finally be drawing to a close in Zimbabwe? We can only hope so.

A Chinese sleeper agent is sentenced to a long prison term. How many more of these agents are still at large.

American military officials cite poor planning as the reason why the Iraqi Army ran into difficulties trying to assert their primacy in Basra.


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