
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

An opponent of gay marriage looks ahead to the real consequences of recent court decisions.

Some common sense has entered the business of running elections, as many states are now turning to paper ballots. I have believed all along that using paper ballots is the only sure way to both avoid problems during the voting, and to get an accurate recount when that becomes necessary.

Oliver Kamm thinks Europeans should recognize the things George W. Bush got right.

Arthur Herman warns of the dangers of nuclear proliferation.

Tim Russert's doctors explain why he died. Tragically, if he had had more acute symptoms of cardiac difficulty in recent years that probably would have led to the bypass surgery that might have prolonged his life.

Karl E. Meyer sees troubling similarities between the Status of Forces Agreement being negotiated by U.S. and Iraqi officials, and the 1930 treaty that ended the British Mandate in Iraq. That treaty left Iraq in a quasi-colonial position, which led to all sorts of difficulties, including the only pro-Axis coup in World War II.

One writer thinks Iraqis would vote for John McCain, if they could. Of course, those Iraqis who want to see the back of U.S. troops would vote for Obama.


At 1:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gallagher is wrong - same sex marriage has everything to do with security and love. You cannot generalize just from the people talking about "playing around" and formalizing three ways.

As for religion, I am at best agnostic - a church should do what it wants to. But what if it accepts tax money to provide services? Than it should not discriminate, just as most organizations are doing now.


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