
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

While the U.S. Treasury Department's moves to save Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are certainly helpful in the short run, I wonder if another shoe will drop. Meanwhile, some Republican members of Congress want to slow down the pace of the new legislation.

Sebastian Mallaby has a solution...nationalization for Freddie and Fannie. Normally, I would be opposed, but if the taxpayers is going to be held liable for their debts, then shouldn't we all share in their profits, if and when they come?

Bob Novak notes that on Capitol Hill the politicians are flogging the speculators over the price of oil. It's good, and traditional, political sport that will make people feel better, earn politicians a few more votes, and do absolutely nothing to solve the problem.

More information is now available on the Taliban assault on an outpost held by a small force of U.S. and Afghan troops that led to nine American soldiers killed.

Thomas Sowell wonders if, in our current political discourse, facts have become obsolete. I thought that was always the case.


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