
Thursday, September 11, 2008

As we pause to remember the attacks against us on 9/11/01, I would prefer to focus on the future. Our President, and our people, have made some good decisions and some bad ones in the seven years since the attacks. A majority of Americans, I believe, are still of the mind that the Al Qaeda terrorists are at war with us and all that we stand for and, therefore, we need to fight them, rather than take them to court. But this belief is not as universal as it may have been in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, due primarily to the fact that the terrorists have not hit us here since. I believe the reason they have not hit us here is that we took the fight to them, first in Afghanistan, then in Iraq. They cannot concentrate on attacking us here when they are too busy either attempting to regain what they lost in Afghanistan, reconstitute their base in Pakistan, or try to force us into a humiliating retreat from Iraq. Still, this battlefield success doesn't necessarily look like victory to a good portion of the American people, and it causes all sorts of other diplomatic and military problems. Going forward, I hope our leaders and our people make more good decisions than bad ones, because I believe it is truly a matter of the survival of our way of life that is at stake.

We should also be concerned about how our allies are doing in this "long war". Melanie Phillips is alarmed at what is happening in Great Britain.

David French, a Reserve Army officer, believes more Americans should join the fight against our enemies, rather than leaving it to others.

President Bush has, according to this story in The New York Times, given orders that allow our Special Operations people to go into Pakistan to kill Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff tells Congress that we need to change our strategy in Afghanistan, and put more boots on the ground.

Ralph Peters says one explanation for the Left's reaction to the Sarah Palin candidacy is that they fear faith.

Karl Rove has some advice for Barack Obama...don't run against Sarah Palin, because you can't win if you do.


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