
Friday, January 09, 2009

The U.S. jobless rate jumps to 7.2%, the highest we have seen in 25 years. This may well be the deepest and longest recession since the Great Depression.

Of course, if the earthquake swarm at Yellowstone is an indication of an imminent eruption of the super volcano that lies beneath the park (and experts say it is not likely), then a recession will be the least of our problems.

Meanwhile, this story about how a drop in solar activity could threaten future astronauts with increased danger from cosmic rays also brings up the point that such a decrease in solar activity would also cause global cooling, something we may be seeing already in places like Alaska.

Paul Krugman thinks Obama's proposed stimulus plan is too small.

Jackson Diehl doesn't think the Israelis can defeat Hamas militarily. Edward Luttwak thinks they can, and Charles Krauthammer believes they must.


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