
Saturday, March 07, 2009

Bob Zelnick writes about efforts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Even if Democrats in Congress succeed in getting something passed, and even if the President signs it, I doubt it would pass constitutional muster under present conditions.

Micahel Barone wonders if there is a tax tipping point at forty percent.

Despite government efforts, the creative destruction that is the capitalist system continues, although it is small comfort to those who are dislocated during the destructive phase.

More evidence that health care reform will be tough sledding for all involved. Of course, that might be a good thing, as health care reform in other countries hasn't necessarily produced an outcome that Americans would accept for themselves.

As anyone who knows John McCain could have told you, he doesn't give up, and he doesn't go away.

Al Franken and Norm Coleman won't give up or go away, either, and the Minnesota Supreme Court says Franken can't be certified the winner until the Coleman lawsuit works itself through the courts. That's a temporary victory for Coleman, although I suspect that, in the end, Franken will be seated in the U.S. Senate.


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